Game Of Thrones | Game Of Thrones Hbo

Song of Ice and Fire is a fantasy story written for adults. April 17, HBO will launch a television series based on the book of 1 - A Game of Thrones - to be more specific. In light of this I thought a review of a book may be in order. If you are interested in the TV show, you can find more information by clicking the link below the article.

This summary does not give the book any justice, but is meant as a reminder to anyone who has read the book and forgot, so it could prepare the TV program.


The story begins with a prologue, set in a moonlit forest, but cold. Three men, brothers of the Night's Watch has found a wild camp, apparently dead. When you come closer, the Wildcats have gone, soon to be replaced by unnatural creatures, soon killing two of the three men.

Chapter 1 - Bran

The book portrays the story in terms of fashion. The title of a chapter means to do the history of the chapter as the title character looks.

Bran is a 7 year old is in a company of about 20 men to see their first King of Justice. A man, bound feet and is about to be beheaded by the father of Bran, Lord Eddard Stark, for desertion. It is the third man in the prologue, half mad with terror. Saved this brave faces. After returning to Winterfell, his house, Robb and her brother Bran's bastard brother Jon Snow found a huge dead direwolf with 5 wolf pups. Jon convinces his father to keep the puppies. 5 puppies are a sign. He says their father for their cubs were trueborn 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. Left out of this account, but then the puppy is six, expelled the rest. The sixth is an albino puppy and belong to Jon.


Catelyn is the Lady of Winterfell, wife of Eddard Stark. She met her husband in a godswood sir. She was of a different faith, prayed inside. The Starks had more blood. Like the first man, Starks prayed to the ancient gods without a name. Ned brings her heavy news. Ned was a student of Jon Arryn, the King's Hand, which was like a father to him and his sister Catelyn was married to him. Catelyn brings the news of the death of Jon Arryn. In addition. the king of kingdom come for a visit. The king is a great friend of Ned. Together usurped the age class, he was crazy.


Dany find preparing for their meeting prior to her husband for the first time. Your Visery brother has made a deal with certain influential people, rich, basically, to sell his sister in exchange for an army. Daenerys Viserys and are the latest in the line Targaryen, which dragonkings before Robert Baratheon Aerys usurped. Viserys probably is a cruel and crazy dreams and rage. Dany is a 13 year old girl.


King arrives at Winterfell, a series of 300. Robert Baratheon, King, wife Cersei Lannister, his brothers, Jaime and Tyrion, Elf and a huge crowd of fans and guards. We learned that the king has changed a bit since the last time they met, but it's still a great friend of Ned. They visit the tombs so that the king may have his respects to his first love, Madam Lyanna, Ned's sister, who would be queen, had he not been killed before marriage.

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